The Roadtrip of a Lifetime- Day 7: Whiskey and Tombs

We finally were headed back to Belfast. Back to my flat, my neighborhood, and most importantly, my bed. This was a fun day, as we visited two extremely historic institutions in Ireland. Those of course would be Newgrange and the Old Jameson Distillery. Now, this wasn’t my first visit to the Jameson factory, but luckily […]

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A day trip to Holywood.

Last Friday, a few friends and I decided to take a trip out of the city, and by that, I mean we took the train to the stop just past the airport. Around noon, we hopped on the train out to Holywood (pronounced Holly-wood. I know…. it’s an irish thing, just trust me.) and wandered […]

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The Organ Post!

Well, we’ve finally made it to that point in the semester where I have played enough instruments across the city of Belfast to comment on some of them. Most of these instruments are well over 100 years old, and each is unique in it’s own special little way. Without more rambling from me, let’s get […]

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