Concert Week #2

Its days like these that you wish you weren’t in school while preparing for a huge event. Between each of my classes, I’m running to complete some sort of errand before I run out of time. Its these little details that can drive someone crazy, but when they are overlooked, the grand vision of it all isn’t complete.

I think the worse thing in my mind is the fact that we haven’t run through the entire program yet, nor have we had our dancers or our bagpiper play with us yet. If these additions had already worked with us, I would be completely calm, but we’ll have to wait until Friday for that.

At this point, I have a lot mixed feelings because I don’t want this project to end. I’ve enjoyed working with an orchestra so much that I really don’t want to know what next week could hold. I’ve learned over the years that I long for this kind of stress, to be extremely busy with what I love to do. Hopefully, I’ll make a living doing just that… Next week will tell all.

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